While prepping the dish I put on an episode of No Reservations to get me in a foody mood. There is nothing quite like Anthony Bourdain's narrations on exotic foods to get my corpuscles loosened and my hands ready to chop and cook. Tonight's episode was London/Edinburgh. Given the focus of the show it made me crave haggis.
Back to the dinner. Whole chicken breasts, lots of peach quarters and a quick mix of oriental flavorings combined to make what actually turned out to be a very savory dish. I made the command decision to add spring onions right at the end because lets face it, spring onions make everything better. Seriously. Served over a bed of brown rice, I was eating this dish at break neck speed. The warm peaches coated in the brown sugar sauce were very welcome on this warm San Luis night.
I'm enjoying doing a lot more cooking than heating. We've spent years buying a lot of frozen this and frozen that but veggies from the freezer aisle cannot substitute for the fresh, organic broccoli that accompanied tonight's meal. The downside to making this change of course is timeliness. Twice now my coriander has wilted beyond flavor in the fridge because I didn't get to it in time and that's irritating. I'm thinking trips to the market need to be more frequent and Thursday night at Farmers needs to be reserved for items that I'll be cooking by Sunday night.
Until next time!
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